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March 7, 2025

Professor Jongseong Brad Choi has been selected for the 2025 Outstanding Early-Career Researcher Program by the Ministry of Science and ICT, securing 12.5 billion KRW, the largest grant in the program’s history.

His research, "True Twin," focuses on AI-based hyper-realistic digital twin technology for real-time remote collaboration. Over the next five years, he aims to develop a system that enables engineers to work remotely as if they were in the same space.

This technology could become a new standard for remote work and play a key role in global manufacturing and facility management in response to labor shortages.

January 24-25, 2025

Hansol Lim, JeeWon Lee, and Hanbeom Chang attended the 2025 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), held in Munich, Germany from January 21 to 24, 2025.

The symposium brought together global experts to share the latest research and applications in system integration, with a focus on combining hardware and software to address industrial and social challenges. This participation provided a valuable opportunity for academic exchange and networking with international researchers.

January 14, 2025

The MEIC Lab participated in the “Energy Machinery Industrial Application Technology Workshop for Carbon Neutrality,” held at SUNY Korea, Songdo Campus, from January 15 to 16, 2025. This workshop, hosted by the Korea Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Certification Center and SUNY Korea, focused on key technologies for sustainable energy use, including AI applications, virtual testing, and new energy systems like SMRs. Industry experts from various sectors gathered to share insights and discuss future directions for industrial processes such as paper manufacturing, dyeing, low-temperature processes, and secondary batteries.

December 10, 2024

The MEIC Lab hosted a special seminar featuring Dr. Dae-Un Sung, Research Fellow at Hyundai Motor Group, on December 10, 2024, at SUNY Korea.


Dr. Sung shared his expertise on "Future Mobility PHM Technology Development," covering topics such as vehicle prognostics and health management (PHM), durability and degradation improvements, and performance balancing technologies for high-performance vehicles.

November 21, 2024

Hansol Lim, Ph. D Student, was awarded the Grand Prize for their presentation titled "Physics-Based Neural Network for Electric Vehicle Energy Prediction" at the 2024 Joint Conference of the Chungcheong Branch of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) & KIMM DX Strategy Research Division, held at the Mechanical Engineering AI/DX Idea Competition.

Congratulations Hansol!

July 10, 2024

MEICers gathered for a volleyball game after our weekly meeting, seeking excitement and better teamwork. Team Professor emerged victorious in the match. To celebrate, we enjoyed a night out at the K-BBQ place, bonding over delicious food and shared laughter.

June 24, 2024

Attending the 2024 PHM Conference was an exciting opportunity for students to observe the latest trends in prognostic health management technology. They eagerly participated, showcasing their research as poster presenters. The conference provided a platform for these emerging scholars to engage with industry leaders and deepen their understanding of the field.

May 10, 2024

On May 10th, the Incheon Global Campus buzzed with energy as students and faculty gathered for the IGC Research Showcase, featuring 104 innovative research posters! First place went to Mechanical Engineering students Eun Jae Lee, DaeRyeon Choi, Jungmin Lee, Mijin Lee, and Hyobin Shin for their Al Smart Farm project.


March 21, 2024

Ricardo Ortiz, Ph.D. student, was awarded the Outstanding Thesis Award for his Master Thesis titled "Autonomous Manipulation of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) with a User-Guided-Path on a Map: Quantitative Simulation and Analysis" at Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Award, March 21, 2024.


Congratulations Ricardo!

November 2-4, 2023

Jonathan Boyack, Ph.D. student, was awarded the Best Paper Award for his presentation titled "Falling Hazard Assessment Application: Automated Labeling Large Data Sets for Transfer Learning Models" at Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Annual Meeting 2023, held in Songdo, South Korea, Nov 2-4, 2023.


Congratulations Jonathan!

October 18, 2023

In implementing a project granted by IASA (인천과학예술영재학교), the selected high school students visited Guryong village (구룡마을) to produce a detailed pedestrian map for residents. Using MEIC lab’s cloud mapping technology with a specially built Lidar sensing system, they successfully built a model on behalf of our graduate students Mr. Hansol Lim and Ricardo Ortiz.

September 27, 2023

MEICers had a gathering to celebrate the beginning of the semester and move to a new lab space. Well done for the lab move and good luck for the semester!

September 26, 2023

Hansol Lim, a master's student, was awarded the Best Poster Award, Hansol Lim and Jongseong Brad Choi* (2023), “Real-time, Non-intrusive Inspection of Structures Using Visual Analytics and Transparency Technology”, at the Korean Society of Prognostics and Health Management 2023, held in Seoul, South Korea, July 3-5, 2023.

Well done and congratulations Hansol!

August 14-15, 2023

A return to Gunsan, South Korea for the KR project was completed on August 14-15, 2023 for more image acquisition and analysis using Structure-from-Motion technique. We also enjoyed a decent Spanish restaurant for dinner, which became our “designated spot” for every KR Gunsan trip!

July 20, 2023

"The MEIC Lab moved locations to a larger facility with more room to be able to expand on the work they were already doing previously. In this new space, they have a larger area for students to work on writing and coding, an instrumentation space for physical experimentation, an office space for the professor, a conference area for meetings, and a rest area for students to be able to take breaks."

July 3-5, 2023

At the Korean Society for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) 2023 Conference in Seoul, South Korea, from July 3rd-5th, 2023, Prof. Choi delivered a presentation entitled “Engineering-Soft-Power engaged visualization analytics and human-machine collaboration remote assessment for large-scale structures (구조물 건전성 모니터링을 위한 시각화 분석 및 인간-기계 협업 원격 모니터링 기법 개발)” and won the 2023 Young Scientist Award.

Alfredo Valenzuela was in poster session entitled “Localized Google Map Update on Mobile Application to Enable a User-Guided Path Planning for Monitoring Robots” with co-authors Ricardo Ortiz, and Jongseong Brad Choi.

Hansol Lim was also in a poster session entitled “Real-time, Non-intrusive Inspection of Structures Using Visual Analytics and Transparency Technology” with co-author Jongseong Brad Choi.

June 28-30, 2023

During the Advanced Smart Materials and Structures (ASMaS) 2023 Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from June 28th-30th, 2023,

Jonathan Boyack presented his work entitled “An Automated Falling Hazard Assessment of High-Rise Buildings Using Transfer Learning and Orthophoto Generation” with co- author Jongseong Brad Choi.

Ricardo Ortiz also presented his work entitled “Development of RTK-GPS Engaged Autonomous Mobility: Implementation and Analysis for Structural Health Monitoring Application” with co-authors Alfredo Valenzuela, and Jongseong Brad Choi.

June 16, 2023

SUNY Korea celebrated graduation and held their commencement ceremony on June 16th 2023. Pureun Jeong completed her bachelor's degree and will be beginning her career as a Mechanical Engineer. The MEIC Lab is pleased with her success. She will continue her new journey at Yujin Robot Co., Ltd.

Congratulations Pureun!

June 14-15, 2023

The MEIC Lab was invited to Gunsan, South Korea to work in collaboration with the KR research group on integrating some of their systems with Engineering Soft Power technologies.

The MEIC Lab used this opportunity to begin work on the project by collecting the neccessary data and begining the neccessary processing.

May 9, 2023

Prof. Choi was invited to deliver a talk entitled "LogPath: Log Data-Based Energy Consumption Model Analysis to Enable Path Optimization of An Electric Vehicle" at Vehicle & Mobility Systems Department (VMS) and Systems Assessment Center (SAC) at Argonne National Lab, Lemont, IL, USA, on May 9, 2023.

May 22, 2023

Professor Choi was invited to participate in a panel discussion entitled Roundtable on AI and Society at the 2023 IGC Research Showcase held in Incheon Global Campus, Incheon, South Korea, on May 22, 2023.

All current student members of the MEIC lab were able to showcase their research through short poster presentations at the same Research Showcase.

Everyone's research was well received. We hope to have many more opportunities to display the research we do in our lab.

May 3-5, 2023

Prof. Choi delivered a talk entitled “Automating Visual Analytics to Aid Lifecycle Management of Infrastructure - Similarity Learning to Enable Building Searches in Post-event Image Data” at Structural Congress 2023 held in New Orleans, LA, USA, May 3-5, 2023

March 22-24, 2023

During the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) 2023 Spring Conference on Reliability, Jeju, South Korea,


Pureun Jeong was in poster session entitled “SLAM for Skid-Steering Mobile Robot Systems” with co-authored Hansol Lim, Jimin Shin, and Jongseong Brad Choi.

Hanbeom Chang was in poster session entitled “Automated Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Control Enabling Long-Range Visual Exploration for Extraterrestrial Missions” with co-authored Jeewon Lee, and Jongseong Brad Choi

March 23, 2023

Jonathan Boyack, Ph.D. student, was awarded the Best Paper Award for his presentation titled "A Real-Time Log Data Analytics-based Electric Vehicle Path Optimization" at Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Annual Meeting 2022, held in Jeju, South Korea, Nov 9-12, 2023.


Congratulations Jonathan!

March 22, 2023

Pureun Jeong, Master's student, was awarded with the Best Poster Award for her poster titled “Indoor Navigation System Designed for a Safety of Construction Site” at the Dec 2022 Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Annual Meeting 2022, held in Jeju, South Korea, Nov 9-12, 2023.

Congratulations Pureun!

March 13, 2023

"MEICers had a dinner party to celebrate the beginning of the semester and Hansol's, Hanbeom's and Jaewon's joining MEIC Lab as master's students. We enjoyed Jokbal at a well known restaurant in Songdo. Welcome to MEIC lab, Hanbeom and Jaewon!"

December 8, 2022

"MEICers had a dinner party to celebrate semester-end and Pureun's joining MEIC Lab as a master's course. We all enjoyed Wagyu beef in Songdo. Welcome to MEIC lab, Pureun!"

November 30, 2022

MEIC Lab members (Jonathan Boyack, Ricardo Ortiz, Jee Won Lee, and Jongseong Brad Choi) was awarded "Top Prize (최우수상)" in the "2022 Global Product-Service Localization Research Award (2022년 글로벌 제품서비스 현지화 연구회)". This project provided us to create a connection to local companies, and won the competition with our idea suggestion. Congratulations!

November 23, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi was invited to deliver a seminar at Hanyang University, in their ME Graduate Student Seminar Series. His talk was entitled “Metaverse Platform Development for Human-Machine Collaborative Remote Assessment of Infrastructures.

November 17, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi was awarded research a grant from NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), 거대과학연구개발사업 – 우주전문인력양성사업, amount of 475 million KRW (equivalent to 396k USD) for 5 years, which is entitled “Future Space Exploration and In-Situ Resource Utilization Technology Research Center (미래 우주탐사 및 우주자원 활용 기술 연구센터) ”. This work is a part of a collaborative project spanning 4 universities, 6 national labs, and 8 companies with a total fund of 11,800 million KRW (equivalent to 9,834k USD). MEIC lab is mainly developing, vision-based rover control and maneuver; remote exploration with delicate camera control and sensor, etc  

November 18, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi was invited to deliver a seminar at Inha University, in their Dept. Architecture Engineering Seminar Series. His talk was entitled “Computer Vision engaged Infrastructure Remote Sensing”.

November 11, 2022

MEICers went out for outdoor activity together after KSME 2022 conference in Jeju. After hiking Oreum, we went outdoor bar to enjoy a nice senary and food!

November 9-12, 2022

During the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Annual Meeting 2022, Jeju, South Korea,


Jonathan Boyack delivered a presentation entitled “A Real-Time Log Data Analytics-based Electric Vehicle Path Optimization (실시간 로그데이터 분석 기반의 전기차 경로 최적화 기법)” with co-authors Jongseong Brad Choi.

Ricardo Ortiz delivered a presentation entitled “Development of User-Designated-Path Driving Ground Rover for Construction Site Monitoring (건설현장 모니터링을 위한 사용지 지정경로 주행 지상로버 개발)” with co-authors Jee Won Lee, Jonathan Boyack, and Jongseong Brad Choi.

Jee Won Lee delivered a presentation entitled Automated Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Control to Enable Long-Range Visual Assessment and Localization (원거리 시각검사를 위한 PTZ 카메라 자동제어 알고리즘 개발) with co-authors Chul Min Yeum, Ricardo Ortiz, and Jongseong Brad Choi.

Pureun Jeong was in poster session entitled “Indoor Navigation System Designed for a Safety of Construction Site” with co-authored Jimin Shin, Seung Hyun Cha, and Jongseong Brad Choi.

November 11, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi was invited to deliver a presentation in the session of “Promising Young Scientists (유망과학기술자 세션)” at the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Annual Meeting 2022, Jeju, South Korea. His talk was entitled “Visual Analytics toward Lifecycle Assessment of Large-Scale Structures (구조물 수명주기관리를 위한 대용량 시각데이터 수집 및 분석 자동화)”.

October 11, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi hosted a seminar regarding entitled Human-Machine Collaborative Infrastructure Assessment through Mixed and Virtual Reality along with professor Chul Min Yeum from University of Waterloo. Prof. Choi and Yeum have been collaborating years and plan for another project for our graduate students visiting program.

October 13, 2022

MEICers had a welcome dinner party for our new member Alfredo Valenzuela, master’s course, from all the way from Equador. We all enjoyed Jeju sagyeosal and karaoke in Songdo. Welcome to MEIC lab, Alfredo!

July 1, 2022

Jonathan Boyack, a Ph.D. student, delivered a presentation session entitled “Enhancing Electric Vehicle Path Optimization Exploiting Real-Time Log Data Analysis” at PHM Korea 2022: PHM for Industrial Digital Platform held in Seoul, South Korea, June 29 – July 1.

September 23, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi was invited to deliver a seminar at National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (국립현대미술관 청주) in their Preservation Science Lecture Series. His talk was entitled “Computer Vision engaged Lifecycle Assessment of Cultural Heritages” (컴퓨터비전 및 인공지능을 활용한 건축문화유산 생애주기 관리 자동화).

June 24, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi and Chi Hwan Lee (Purdue Univ.) hosted a collaborating seminar (Biomedical Engineering at Purdue Univ. and Mechanical Engineering at SUNY Korea) along with prestigious scholars from Purdue Univ. The topics spanned from research collaboration bio-mechanical engineering to student exchange programs. We look forward to collaborating with the Biomedical Engineering department of Purdue University with broader topics in the future.

June 30, 2022

Jee Won Lee, a master student, presented in the poster session entitled “Automated Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Control to Enable Long-Range Visual Assessment and Localization” at PHM Korea 2022: PHM for Industrial Digital Platform held in Seoul, South Korea, June 29 – July 1.

May 26, 2022

MEIC Lab members had a gathering and semester-end party at Songdo. This gathering was after a field trip to H&I co., Uiwang-si,  to learn RTK GPS system to be adopte to our auto-navigating rover system.

June 1, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi received journal publication; 

Xiao-Le Han, Ning-Jun Jiang*, Yu-Fei Yang, Jongseong Choi, Devandra N. Singh, Yan-Jun Du, & Yi-Jie Wang (2022), Deep Learning Approach for the Detection and Instance Segmentation of Clayey Soil Desiccation Crack, Computers and Geotechnics (IF: 4.956, JCR top 12.5%)

May 25, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi was awarded research a grant from NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) amount of 98 million KRW (equivalent to 80k USD) for 1.7 years, entitled “Emulation and Enhancement of Human Capability on Infrastructure Assessment: EngineeringSoft-Power Engaged Monitoring and 3 Major Techniques Development (사회인프라 검사관 능력의 모방 및 강화: 엔지니어링 소프트파워를 활용한 3종의 모니터링 자동화 요소기술 개발) ”

May 25, 2022

Pureun Jeong, Seunghyun Cha, and Jimin Shin presented in the poster session entitled “Smart IGC Campus and Community with A Self-Navigating Robot System” at 2022 IGC Project Symposium held in Songdo, South Korea, June 29 – July 1.

April 13, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi received journal publication; 

Jongseong Choi*, Ju An Park, Shirley J. Dyke, Chul Min Yeum, Xiaoyu Liu, Ali Lenjani, & Ilias Bilionis (2022), Similarity Learning to Enable Buliding Searches in Post-event Image Data, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 37(2), 261-275, DOI: 10.1111/mice.12698 (IF: 11.775, JCR top 0.72%)

May 23, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi and AIDL co.  were awarded research a grant from ITP (Incheon Technopark) amount of 60 million KRW (equivalent to 54k USD) for 0.5 years, entitled “Development of An Integrated MCU (Mechanical Control Units) Component and Module Corresponding to Smart-Car Complex Control System (스마트카 복합제어에 대응가능한 통합형 MCU, Mechanical Control Units, 부품 및 모듈 개발) ”

March 14, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi received journal publication; 

Xiaoyu Liu, Shirley J. Dyke*, Ali Lenjani, Ilias Bilionis, Xin Zhang, &  Jongseong Choi (2022), Automated Image Localization to Support Rapid Building Reconnaissance in a Large-scale Area, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, DOI: 10.1111/mice.12828 (IF: 11.775, JCR top 0.72%)

March 15, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi and Mr. Ricardo Ortiz received journal publication; 

Jongseong Choi*, Lazaros Toumanidis, Chul Min Yeum, Patrikakis Charalampos, Ali Lenjani, Xiaoyu Liu, Panagiotis Kasnesis, Ricardo Ortiz, Nin-Jun Jiang, & Shirley J. Dyke (2022), Automated Graffiti Detection: Automated Graffiti Detection: A Novel Approach for Maintaining Historical Architectures in Community, Applied Sciences, 12(6), 2983 DOI: 10.3390/app12062983 (IF: 2.679, JCR top 42.2%)

February 23, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi delivered a lecture at 2022 Artificial Intelligence Winter School, AI Research Group, KSME (2022 인공지능 겨울학교, 대한기계학회 인공지능머신 연구회) held at KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea, Feb 21 – 23, 2022, entitled “Citizen Data to Machine Learning: Application of Lifecycle Management of Infrastructure (시민사진을 인공지능 데이터로: 사회인프라 생애주기관리 어플리케이션)”.

January 1, 2022

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi is appointed as a committee member of the financial board in KSME Reliability Division (대한기계학회 신뢰성부문) starting from Jan 1, 2022.

December 17, 2021

MEIC Lab members had a gathering and semester-end party at MEIC lab. This gathering was to celebrate Sooyon’s graduation and her admission to Cornell University for her master’s degree. Hyunseung also leaves for his military service. Hope to see you all soon!

April 1 - December 27, 2021

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi received a equipment grant/contract from Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) (한국건설기술연구원),  H&I co. (주식회사 에이치앤아이), and AIDL co. (주식회사 아이들) such as 3 Rover vehicles, 1 Velodyne Puck LidAR sensor, 2D LidAR, 1 RTK GPS and 1 GPU boards, which are amount of 53 million KRW (equivalent to 45k USD).

October 20, 2021

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi was awarded research a grant from ITP (Incheon Technopark) amount of 10 million KRW (equivalent to 8k USD) for 0.2 year, entitled “2021 Global Product Service Localization Research”, Incheon Technopark (2021 글로벌 제품생산 현지화 연구) ”

November 30, 2021

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi received a patent publication (특허출원) entitled “Computer Vision Technique to Extract Structural Information from Citizen Science Data: Automated Lifecycle Infrastructure Monitoring Application (시민데이터로부터의 구조정보 추출을 위한 컴퓨터비전 기법: 사회인프라의 생애주기 모니터링 자동화 요소기술)”, Korean Patent No. 10-2021-1068454

September 28, 2021

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi served as a chair of the session "Machine Learning Methods for PHM" at the Asia Pacific Conference of Prognostics and Health Management Society 2021 (PHMAP2021) held in Jeju, South Korea on Sep. 7 - 10, 2021. He also delivered a presentation entitled "Similarity Learning to Building Search Capability: Post-event Image Data Application"

September 28, 2021

Jonathan Boyack, PhD student, delivered a presentation at Asia Pacific Conference of Prognostics and Health Management Society 2021 (PHMAP2021) in Jeju, South Korea on Sep 8, 2021. His talk was entitled "Machine Learning Approach for a Rapid Falling Hazard Assessment on High-Rise Buildings".

September 28, 2021

Realtime video of our rover making 3D Pointcloud Mapping at SUNY Korea campus!

September 28, 2021

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi delivered a presentation as an invited speaker at PHM Korea 2021: Toward 'Ontact' Industries through PHM held in Jeju, South Korea Sep 7 - 9, 2021, where he was also served as a chair of the session "Application of PHM". His talk was entitled "Automating Visual Data Analytics to Aid Lifecycle Management of Infrastructure toward Sustainable Cities".

May 17, 2021

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi is appointed as a Short Course Committee member of International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management Asia-Pacific 2021 (PHMAP 2021), Sep 8 – 10, 2021, held at Jeju, South Korea.

May 17, 2021

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi is appointed as a committee member of the education board in the Korean Society of Prognostics and Health Management (KSPHM) starting from May 17, 2021.

January 21, 2021

MEIC Lab members visited Dr. Taewook Kang, chief scientist, at Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) (한국건설기술연구원), to learn electric vehicle system for large-scale 3D point cloud modeling.

February 18, 2021

Prof. Jongseong Brad Choi was awarded research a grant from NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) amount of 30 million KRW (equivalent to 24k USD) for 1 year, entitled “Automating visual assessment of infrastructure exploiting computer vision and big visual data (대용량 시각데이터를 활용한 대형사회인프라 안전검사 모니터링 자동화 요소기술 개발) ”

July 2019

Prof. Choi was invited to NHERI RAPID Experimental Facility at the University of Washington, Seattle on July 2019. NHERI selects 20 attendees who has professional research background for the RAPID 4 days Equipment Training Workshop as well as support up to $1,500 Travel Fund.

Mechanical Systems with Intelligence and Computer Vision Lab 

MEICLab in 2021 | Designed by Sooyeun Yang

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